
Casmorintai is a county on the Northern Isle. Its name means “home of red stones” in the Gaedelech language. That name comes from the abudance of ferrous rock and soil in that region.

Its capital city is Lentaiclas.

It has little arable land and historically was the poorest county in Engwelia. In the last decades, however, it became a large exporter of technology and crafts, thanks to efforts of countess Sheela Dinsarni , an inventor and a patron of scholars and artisans.

One of her most profitable inventions is the naval fire — a weapon for destroying enemy ships. It’s a mix of substances in a sealed pot that spontaneously ignites when the pot is broken, burns in water, and the fire is difficult to put out. Its composition is a closely-guarded secret and it’s not even sold — rather, county’s navy provides escort to merchant ships for a fee.